About Us
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About Us

Focus the Thinking >> Forward the Action

Iā€™m Jim Harrison and this is my company. I called it Jim Harrison + Associates because the best thing about working is the people I work with, my associates. They are incredibly generous with their expertise, time and spirit, and it is an honour to work with them. Click on the Associates tab above to find out more about them.

Together, we bring over 100 years of business experience to help you create compelling strategy, drive increased sales, manage your costs and engage staff ā€“ and yourself! ā€“ so that you build a business where people love to come to work.

Ali Harrison actually runs the company as our head of operations. In addition, she is an incredibly talented craft artist, forging hand-cut and laser-cut artworks that are amazing. Check out her work at lightandpapershop.com.

Please contact either of us to enquire about our services and expertise.

Jim / jim@jimharrisonassociates.com / 416-898-9792

Ali / ali@jimharrisonassociates.com / 416-799-7070